This file holds the statistics of the rubrics. Deleting it will 
restart these statistics from scratch. Do not delete the file
while the BBS is running. You will be prompted to create it
when booting the software.

The file is organized as 21 records.

Each record is a long integer holding the number of seconds used
for the current record. Each record correspond to the level 
(first number of the three numbers of the status bar).

record 0  : Server menu
record 1  : Message (sending or receiving)
record 2  : Qra locator
record 3  : Statistics
record 4  : Documentations
record 5  : Nomenclature
record 6  : Trajectography
record 7  : Unused
record 8  : Sending bin message
record 9  : FbbDOS menu
record 10 : Gateway
record 11 : Modem
record 12 : Binary transfer
record 13 : X forwaring
record 14 : Mailbox usage
record 15 : Forwarding
record 16 : Console chat
record 17 : YAPP
record 18 : Conference
record 19 : Editor
record 20 : Themas area

This page was last updated 17-Apr-99