- This software is available for Dos, Windows and Linux.  Most features and
  operations are identical to all versions.  Where there are differences, 
  they are clearly marked in the manual with DosFBB, WinFBB and LinFBB (for
  Linux).  There are two LinFBB-versions for Linux:
  a windowing version (using X11 windowing system and MOTIF toolkit).
  a daemon version. The daemon version has no interface and works alone in
  background (like works an anti-virus, hi...). So the compter may be used
  for any application while the BBS is running.

- The usage of this software is very close to the one made by WA7MBL, whose
  commands have been kept. It has also a set of specific and original
  supplementary commands.

- The code does not work on XT.
  Works on AT286 and UP with at least 2MB of memory.
  Code uses up to 16MB of memory.

- Multiconnections: up to 50 simultaneous channels on 8 TNC (4 or 8 channels
  per TNC depending on the software used).

- Multiplexing: this software supports usage of an external MUX and supports
  also extension boards in the case of a hardware configuration having more
  than 2 ports. The MUX connects 4 TNC on 1 serial port, either com1 or com2.
  Printed board is available from the ATEPRA association, (ATEPRA, 23 rue de
  Provins, 77520 MONS EN MONTOIS - FRANCE).

The software operates:
- with any TNC2 or clone fitted with the special 27256 eprom containing the
  WA8DED firmware, or TF4/TF8, with a Z80 clock of 2.5 or, better, 4.9 MHz.
- with a PK232 in Host-Mode (but TFPK software, WA8DED hostmode for PK232
  works better !).
- with a G8BPQ node.
- With a KAM hostmode.
- With TFPCX/TFPCR/TFKISS and tnc's in kiss-mode or a kisslink to a 

- Standard BBS: It has many BBS-commands identical to the BBSs by WA7MBL 
  or W0RLI. It has also server functions (computation of satellite orbits, 
  callbook, and operator customizable chapters, gateway to an other 
  channel, the users being able to chat together in real time on the same
  or different channels, etc...).

- Forwarding: With other BBSs of WA7MBL type or compatible, BIDS management
  (up to 32000 bids, depending on a parameter, are saved in a separate file),
  a BID is automatically generated if the user does not give one. Private 
  message works with the management of MID. The messages are suppressed 
  automatically after a delay which can be user defined. This is true for
  bulletins and personal mail.

- The forwarding is optimized between BBSs using FBB protocol type. It is
  more efficient on a VHF/UHF network. This kind of forwarding can be disabled
  by configuration.

- The compressed forwarding allows the reduction by a factor of about 40-50%
  the quantity of data to exchange in big messages. The messages are protected
  by checksums, so the transfer is made error-free.

- X forwarding Protocol is also implemented.  XForwarding now supports 
  re-routing and swapping.  Checksum is implemented in the X-forwarding.

- The forwarding is simultaneous on the various ports regardless if they are
  incoming or outgoing. There might be several forwardings outgoing per port
  which number is set by parameter. The number of incoming forwarding is a
  function of the available channels. The time and the period of forward can
  be set separately on each port.

- Hierarchical routing is supported.

- The ping-pong phenomenon is automatically detected and an information is
  given to the sysop by a system message.

- Messages and bulletins for SYSOP may be duplicated for one or more 
  destination-call which can be defined by configuration.

- A detailed log of the BBS activity is maintained and a statistic analysis
  program, written by FC1MVP, is also available.

- Binary transfer is supported with the usage of the YAPP protocol of WA7MBL.
  An extension to this protocol has been made, including the automatic 
  restart and the checksum, should a stop occur or a disconnection take 
  place during the transfer. This extension to the protocol works with the 
  TPK, packet terminal program written by FC1EBN.

- Gateway between connected stations or with another port.

- Conference within the limits of the available ports and channels.

- Language: At the first connection, the connect language is attributed to
  the user, depending of the callsign.

- Remote SYSOP operation is supported and the housekeeping of the BBS
  messages, mail and old mail is done each and every night at low activity
  period which can be parametered, and is done automatically.

- DosFBB works under DesqView.

- Unproto beacons may be sent on any port and via any path (more than one
  per port, if wanted) for each arrived message.  Users may be validated 
  to be allowed to ask for resync of unproto-beacons to update their 
  internal messages-list without connecting the BBS.  This feature is 
  used by TPK  and some other modern terminal-programs.

- Modem in WinFBB support XMODEM, YMODEM and ZMODEM upload and download
  with the DSZ shareware. 

- Modem in LinFBB support XMODEM, YMODEM and ZMODEM upload and download
  with the utility ´fbb_zm´ that is included in the LinFBB package. 

- Modem in DosFBB support XMODEM, YMODEM and ZMODEM download.  
  Needs a recent version of FBBIOS.  Upload is supported only for XMODEM.

- langname.NEW works as langname.ENT, but is sent only ONCE to  each 
  user (at the first connection after the file has been updated).

- Max KB for download in modem and yapp port may be set in INIT.SRV

- Only one simultaneous forward for a station is allowed.

- ACK-messages show only the first R:line (if passed through FBBs).

- Too long callsigns in routing are rejected (asked by G1NNB)

- 3 extensions to the version 1 of FBB protocol:
  1: Reject messages from being forwarded to the BBS.
  2: Receive messages, but hold them for sysop before release.
  3: Reject message-proposals with wrong format.
  In the first 2 cases a message may be sent to sysop to advice him of the
  problem (this is parametred in INIT.SRV file).

- No more than 1 message from one callsign in each proposal block. If more,
  the other messages are delayed to the next proposal blocks. This avoid long
  lists of message from the same sender. May be disabled with the letter D in
  the T line of FORWARD.SYS

- Oldmail has a format compatible with import.

- Information about the number of free buffers in the TNC in the status line.
  Maximum buffers per channel is divided by two if the number of free buffers
  is going too low.

- New feature for FORWARD.SYS for sending of 7+ messages:
  New line J in FORWARD.SYS :  (data means 7+)
  J 0 : no data sent
  J 1 : data is sent (default)
  J 2 : personal data is sent
  J 3 : only data is sent (exclusive)

- Forced disconnection of all links at housekeeping time+15 min.

- Binary transfer protocol Autobin (used in GP, SP TurboPacket, etc...)
  Commands are BGET and BPUT.

- Full screen editor usable to send or reply messages. 
  In DosFBB validated with AltF6.
  Always used in WinFBB.

- Command "WHERE file" in FBBDOS (to find one or more files in FBBDOS)
  Wildcards are accepted.

- Command TH -> access to the thematic zone. The file THEMES.SYS is configuring
  this zone.

- FBBIOS40 (and up) should work with 16550 FIFO chips (for DosFBB).

- Server REDIST is included.  Used to redirect personal message as bulletin.

- System files are checked after local editing.

- Implementation of the VXD interface of the BPQ code.

- All program run from FORWARD.SYS are synchronous.

- Filters accepted as DLL (much faster...).  Both for WinFBB and  DosFBB (!!).

- Ethernet/tcp-ip implementation. Needs the WINSOCK.DLL Microsoft library.

- Information on a connected station. Double click on the callsign line 
  of the connected stations give the info (WinFBB).

- Uploaded file via modem is validated and set to the user.

- F_FILTER validated for filtering of uploaded files.
  The F_FILTER may also be created as a DLL.  Both for WinFBB and 
  DosFBB (!!). The filter must be installed in the path (\FBB\BIN) of Dos.

- Every connected channel is bufferized. The connection is visible while
  double-clicking on the user in the list (WinFBB).

- BBS forwarding is not allowed on a GUEST port if the BBS is not declared.

- Two DLLs have been developed to be called from FORWARD.SYS (WinFBB):
    ICOM.DLL uses the same parameters as ICOM.COM
    PROGTX.DLL sends a binary file to a tx through a serial com
      format : PROGTX [options] filename
      options : /C2     = COM2 (default COM1)
                /A02F8  = Com address is 02F8 (excludes /C OPTION)
                /B9600  = Baud rate is 9600 Bauds (default 1200)

- A hold-message is not recorded in the list, only saved as a file. 
  So no unproto list or other is sent.

- New programs INSTWFBB for WinFBB and FBBSETUP for DosFBB to configure 
  the software.  In LinFBB there is a small INSTALL.SH script that does
  part of the job for LinFBB.

- Binary forwarding via telephone modem (FBB or XFWD)

- WinFBB: The configuration may be called from the Config menu. Updates
  are made without rebooting the software (after saving the config).

- Blocking DOS commands (EDIT, ...) is killed after 60 seconds.

- Messages or files are not accepted if disk free is less than 100K.

- Telnet interface is working as modem interface except that password is

- WinFBB: Servers can be made as DLLs provided they are fast enough (no 
  multitasking during a DLL activity).

- WinFBB: Selection of zone in the channel windows. Accept copy (=Ctrl Ins)
  to clipboard and print. Menu is activated with the right button of the 
  mouse inside the text window.

- Selection of a word (left double click) or a list of characters (Ctrl left
  double click).

- Sysop-command HO puts a message in the hold list.

- ReadOnly access if there is no password defined (modem/telnet port)

- MD ("Message Digest") password system. This password is based on a public
  key. The 10 digits are never the same and the answer is also never the 
  same. So it is not possible to find the original password from the answer.

- Both WinFBB and DosFBB use protected mode (DPMI).  

- Swapping is now using hierarchy. For instance :
	Only the first full address will be swapped to the other
	All F6FBB addresses will be swapped to the other

- WinFBB32 is a 32-bit version of WinFBB.  For use with Windows NT and
  Windows95.  Can NOT be used with Windows 3.x !

- W32 : TfWin32.DLL interface validated.  Only WinFBB 32-bit!

This page was last updated 17-Apr-99