Packet Radio BBS Located in Shepparton Victoria

Internet Gateway and Wormhole (under construction)

For now, you can telnet to vk3ynv.org and log into the BBS, Please note you
must be the holder of a current amateur radio license. Further, I have to create
a user on the bbs with your callsign and password.

So, send me an email to ray@vk3ynv.org with your callsign and password
and I will enable telnet access to the bbs for you.

Once that is done, you can send messages via the BBS and read messages from
others. If you are here reading this then no doubt you will already know a bit about
packet radio.

I have put the F6FBB documentation on line here, for those who wish to learn the
BBS commands.

There a number of files that can be downloaded, eproms for TNC2 etc, I am
currently using a TNC2 clone MFJ1270B with 6pack. Seems to work ok.

The BBS is running F6FBB version 7.03f the operating system is Linux 2.2.16
SuSE 7.0 The radio is a Philips 828, that has been running non-stop for nearly
10 years. The antenna is a rusty slim jim ( remember them) at 40ft or so.

The BBS PC is a 133M Pentium built from scrounged bits and pieces with 64M ram

Various Links
Putty is an excellent free telnet/ssh client for windows can be downloaded here.
Library of Amateur radio Software. http://ring.etl.go.jp/archives/misc/ham/library/

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